For some reason Firefox for Mac is sluggish while using Gmail and Yahoo Mail. I am now using Camino as my primary Mac browser while still using Firefox on my PC. Hopefully the folks at Mozilla will compile a separate version of Firefox that is faster on the Mac. Until then, I'll be using Camino.
- Miscellaneous (6)
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- Firefox for Mac is slow
- Firedoodle
- Very fast browsing with Camino
- Stopping Form Spam
- Netvibes start page
- ProtoPage
- Stumble Upon Video
- Pipe Dream
- How to send email to cell phones
- BCC instead of CC
- Stop Daylight Savings...Please!
- How to Remove / Hide the Blogger Navbar
- Why I use Blogger
- Yahoo Mail - Suggested Features
- Treo 700wx Problems
- Dunkin Donuts Order
- Antonella Barba is gone - finally!
- Paying with Pennies
- Melinda Doolittle "I'm a Woman"
- Keeping Bill Oreilly in check
- Scooter is bummed
- Doolittle the real deal